How To Create Android Apps Without Coding

How To Create Android Apps Without Coding

What you’ll learn

A Simple No BS Android Development Course That Will Teach You To Create Stunning Apps Within Hours.

Hi guys so today I'm going to teach you how to create some content for your app.

So first we need to add another screen screen is sort of like a page is like a page of your app so you need to click this plus button gauges click it to add another screen and input a screen title. OK so I'll just put that and then click OK. OK so this is the new screen it's called Dog Training and you have to click this icon and then choose open. And for this method this is the first method of making content. This is the detail screen so just choose detail. So this is the easiest method but there are other methods of making content for your app so you can see here this is a blank page. So we need to put the header bars that we made earlier. So just quick the screen properties which is the third icon and and quick the second icon from the top which is bar manager. And you remember we made some header bar in the earlier tutorial so just click this and drag this on top just drag druggist's and then the menu bar. Drag it on the bottom OK. So now we can see the bars that to me. OK. So to make a content we can add some images. OK. Just click it and drag it here and then choose an image. So here quick select and then choose an image. So on for a bit quick this dog image. So there you can actually adjust the size if you want and make it smaller and then you can put it in the center. So now we want to put the title here. So first we need to add a separator. So there are some spacing and then remove that line. So true snowline and then we can add a text. So just drag the decks here and we can type the title. So it's on the left corner so we need to align this on the center but it will not show because this is 100 percent. So we need to reduce the width so just reduce that. So it will be more on the center. OK so now we can add another separator OK. Again remove the line there and then we have our content here. So we need to drag the text element drag it here and then we will copy the article details. For example I told you earlier about the peel articles. So here's a sample. This copy this and then put this here OK so you can actually cut this into paragraphs like this. And since this looks too big we need to adjust this size to 100 percent with. We need to make it smaller OK and alighted on the center. And then this size is too big so we'll change the size. Now it's the font size to make it small. OK so it's small. So actually you can here you can make it bold or italic and underline. OK so you can do that. So this is the simplest way of making content for your app. But there are many other ways to add content to your app and I will show you in the next lesson.

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

Be able to use computer

Who this course is for:

any one who want to learn android development

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