How to Create Quick & Easy Your Own Graphic Designs Using Designbold

 How to Create Quick & Easy Your Own Graphic Designs Using Designbold

Who this course is for:

  • Anyone who wants to create stunning graphic designs, quickly, easily and for free.
  • This course is designed for entrepreneurs who want to control their own graphic designs production to become more efficient in their business.
  • Marketing specialists who work in creative departments and want to be able to easily create graphic designs for their activity.
  • Online Marketers who need different types of graphic designs for their websites, ads, emails and social media activity.

Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?

  • Internet connection and either a desktop, laptop or tablet.

Hello and welcome back to the next lecture from discourse on how to use design bull in this lecture. We will talk about how you can create the new design how you can select a new template in accordance to the purpose of your graphic design maybe it's for your business maybe you want to create a Facebook app maybe you want to create a Facebook cover photo it doesn't matter you have plenty of templates and what is more important than that you have plenty of free templates from which you can choose so you can create the perfect design for your own needs or for your business.

So let's dive in after you log into your account.

You'll see the dashboard and you will have an option here which says new design. In the upper horizontal menu just click on the new design option and you'll see here the possibility to search for a specific type of design.

Let's say that you want a Facebook cover or a Facebook canvas. We have plenty of options if you will just click in the search option.

You will see we have Tumblr graphic Facebook canvas. You just have to scroll down and you'll see plenty plenty of templates OK plenty of them.

Another way to go for a template is just to scroll through for the slides. Okay with the slider that you have here with the templates and the images and you can check all of them out. Another good option is to see all the dog type so you just click on the bottom of your old dog types and you will see therefore social media.

And then if we scroll down for documents and letters blogging and e-books basically you have them organized on different categories marketing materials events and invitation ads and commercials. And that's pretty much it. Now because Facebook ads are very popular these days let's let's suppose that we want to create a Facebook
ad right.

What we are going to do right now is select this this option here Facebook that we click on it and you will see that the editor will open a new tab in our browser.

So basically what's very cool about the same world is that you have access to your designs and the possibility of creating new designs from anywhere you have an Internet connection a pretty decent laptop or computer. And obviously a web browser. 

So let me show you now in the beginning how you can select your own template and in a different lecture we will start to discuss about how to use different types of elements right for your templates so that you can edit them.

First of all this is the canvas here you will see how the image looks like what we have to do in the first place is give a name to our design.

Let's say that this is test one and what we can do right now. We just have to press the check button. One second test one is the check what. OK it will be safe like that. Safe design PayPal. And in the left side menu from the templates we have to choose a template. We have plenty of them now. The ones which you see that don't have this small icon the small watermark marked with premium layout. Those are for free you can use them for free ones which have the premium layout means that you will

have to pay for them but you have plenty of free ones. Don't worry. OK.

So Back to school it's called down back to school. Let me find one that I actually like back to school. Let's see. Let's try this on back to school. OK so this is the Facebook app template.  This basically here it's like a preview or like the editor. And basically you will see that you have the possibility this one is created for more layouts. You have the possibility to select different elements from the ad or the template itself and to change them. Like this one from the left side the one from the right side. The actual text. We can change the text and is text linear an example text here. 

So you put in your own text with your own percentage discounts which your own buttons and you can edit absolutely everything right.

So this is how you load a new template this is how you edit your template.

Now in the next lecture we will discuss about how you can edit different elements from your template so that it's in accordance to your own needs.

Thank you for watching. And we are looking forward to see you in the next lecture.

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